
Various models for computing the transfer function.

Note that these are not transfer function “frameworks”. The framework is found in hmf.transfer.


BBKS(cosmo, **model_parameters)

BBKS (1986) transfer function.

BondEfs(cosmo, **model_parameters)

Transfer function of Bond and Efstathiou

CAMB(*args, **kwargs)

Transfer function computed by CAMB.

EH(*args, **kwargs)

Alias of EH_BAO.

EH_BAO(*args, **kwargs)

Eisenstein & Hu (1998) fitting function with BAO wiggles

EH_NoBAO(*args, **kwargs)

Eisenstein & Hu (1998) fitting function without BAO wiggles

FromArray(cosmo, **model_parameters)

Use a spline over a given array to define the transfer function

FromFile(cosmo, **model_parameters)

Import a transfer function from file.

TransferComponent(cosmo, **model_parameters)

Base class for transfer models.