Source code for hmf.mass_function.hmf

The primary module for user-interaction with the :mod:`hmf` package.

The module contains a single class, `MassFunction`, which wraps almost all the
functionality of :mod:`hmf` in an easy-to-use way.

import numpy as np
import copy
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline
import warnings
from numpy import issubclass_

from . import fitting_functions as ff
from ..density_field import transfer
from .._internals._cache import parameter, cached_quantity
from ..density_field.filters import TopHat, Filter
from .._internals._framework import get_mdl
from ..halos.mass_definitions import MassDefinition as md, SOGeneric, SOMean

from .integrate_hmf import hmf_integral_gtm as int_gtm

[docs]class MassFunction(transfer.Transfer): """ An object containing all relevant quantities for the mass function. The purpose of this class is to calculate many quantities associated with the dark matter halo mass function (HMF). The class is initialized to form a cosmology and takes in various options as to how to calculate all further quantities. Most outputs are provided as ``@cached_quantity`` attributes for ease of access. Contains an :method:`~update` method which can be passed arguments to update, in the most optimal manner. All output quantities are calculated only when needed (but stored after first calculation for quick access). In addition to the parameters directly passed to this class, others are available which are passed on to its superclass (:class:`Transfer`). To read a standard documented list of (all) available parameters, use :func:`~parameter_info`. If you want to just see the plain list of available parameters, use :func:`~get_all_parameters`. To see the actual defaults for each parameter, use :func:`get_all_parameter_defaults`. Parameters ---------- Mmin : float mdef_model The mass definition model to use. By default, use the mass definition in which the chosen hmf was measured. If that does not exist, use SOMean(200). Examples -------- Since all parameters have reasonable defaults, the most obvious thing to do is >>> h = MassFunction() >>> h.dndm Many different parameters may be passed, both models and parameters of those models. For instance: >>> h = MassFunction(z=1.0,Mmin=8,hmf_model="SMT") >>> h.dndm Once instantiated, changing parameters should be done through the :meth:`update` method: >>> h.update(z=2) >>> h.dndm """
[docs] def __init__( self, Mmin: float = 10, Mmax: float = 15, dlog10m: float = 0.01, hmf_model: [str, ff.FittingFunction] = ff.Tinker08, hmf_params: [dict, None] = None, mdef_model: [None, str, md] = None, mdef_params: [dict, None] = None, delta_c: float = 1.686, filter_model: [str, Filter] = TopHat, filter_params: [dict, None] = None, disable_mass_conversion: bool = True, **transfer_kwargs, ): # Call super init MUST BE DONE FIRST. super().__init__(**transfer_kwargs) # Set all given parameters. self.hmf_model = hmf_model self.Mmin = Mmin self.Mmax = Mmax self.dlog10m = dlog10m self.mdef_model = mdef_model self.mdef_params = mdef_params or {} self.delta_c = delta_c self.hmf_params = hmf_params or {} self.filter_model = filter_model self.filter_params = filter_params or {} self.disable_mass_conversion = disable_mass_conversion
# =========================================================================== # PARAMETERS # ===========================================================================
[docs] def validate(self): super().validate() assert self.Mmin < self.Mmax, f"Mmin > Mmax: {self.Mmin}, {self.Mmax}" assert len(self.m) > 0, "mass vector has length zero!" # Check whether the hmf component validates. self.hmf
@parameter("res") def Mmin(self, val): r""" Minimum mass at which to perform analysis [units :math:`\log_{10}M_\odot h^{-1}`]. :type: float """ return val @parameter("res") def Mmax(self, val): r""" Maximum mass at which to perform analysis [units :math:`\log_{10}M_\odot h^{-1}`]. :type: float """ return val @parameter("res") def dlog10m(self, val) -> float: """ log10 interval between mass bins :type: float """ return val @parameter("switch") def disable_mass_conversion(self, val) -> bool: """Disable converting mass function from builtin definition to that provided. :type: bool """ return bool(val) @parameter("model") def filter_model(self, val): """ A model for the window/filter function. :type: :class:`hmf.filters.Filter` subclass """ return get_mdl(val, "Filter") @parameter("param") def filter_params(self, val): """ Model parameters for `filter_model`. :type: dict """ return val @parameter("param") def delta_c(self, val): r""" The critical overdensity for collapse, :math:`\delta_c`. :type: float """ try: val = float(val) except ValueError: raise ValueError("delta_c must be a number: ", val) if val <= 0: raise ValueError("delta_c must be > 0 (", val, ")") if val > 10.0: raise ValueError("delta_c must be < 10.0 (", val, ")") return val @parameter("model") def hmf_model(self, val): r""" A model to use as the fitting function :math:`f(\sigma)` :type: str or `hmf.fitting_functions.FittingFunction` subclass """ if val is None: return val return get_mdl(val, "FittingFunction") @parameter("param") def hmf_params(self, val): """ Model parameters for `hmf_model`. :type: dict """ return val @parameter("model") def mdef_model(self, val): """ A model to use as the mass definition. :type: str or :class:`hmf.halos.mass_definitions.MassDefinition` subclass """ if val is None or (isinstance(val, str) and val.lower() == "none"): return None return get_mdl(val, "MassDefinition") @parameter("param") def mdef_params(self, val): """ Model parameters for `mdef_model`. :type: dict """ return val # -------------------------------- PROPERTIES ------------------------------ @cached_quantity def mean_density(self): """Mean density of universe at redshift z.""" return self.mean_density0 * (1 + self.z) ** 3 @cached_quantity def mdef(self) -> md: """The halo mass-definition model instance. Default mass definition is the one the chosen hmf model was measured with. """ if self.mdef_model is None: # Get the default from the mass function definition mdef = self.hmf_model.get_measured_mdef() # Generic SO definitions, like in Tinker08, which can natively support # any SO definition, also provide a "preferred" definition to use as # the default. if isinstance(mdef, SOGeneric): mdef = mdef.preferred # Update the actual parameters if the user has supplied any explicitly. if self.mdef_params: mdef.params.update(self.mdef_params) if mdef is None: # Some mass functions don't have any set mass definition (eg. PS) mdef = SOMean(**self.mdef_params) else: mdef = self.mdef_model(**self.mdef_params) # Note we need to do the != in this order so that SOGeneric can compare. if ( self.hmf_model.get_measured_mdef() != mdef and not self.disable_mass_conversion ): warnings.warn( f"Your input mass definition '{mdef}' does not match the mass " f"definition in which the hmf fit {self.hmf_model.__name__} was measured:" f"'{self.hmf_model.get_measured_mdef()}'. The mass function will be " f"converted to your input definition, " f"but note that some properties do not survive the conversion, eg. " f"the integral of the hmf over mass yielding the total mean density." ) return mdef @cached_quantity def hmf(self): """Instantiated model for the hmf fitting function.""" return self.hmf_model( m=self.m,, z=self.z, mass_definition=self.mdef, cosmo=self.cosmo, delta_c=self.delta_c, n_eff=self.n_eff, **self.hmf_params, ) @cached_quantity def filter(self): """Instantiated model for filter/window functions. Note that this filter is *not* normalised -- i.e. the output of `filter.sigma(8)` will not be the input `sigma_8`. """ return self.filter_model(self.k, self._unnormalised_power, **self.filter_params) @cached_quantity def halo_overdensity_mean(self): """The halo overdensity with respect to the mean background.""" return self.mdef.halo_overdensity_mean(self.z, self.cosmo) @cached_quantity def halo_overdensity_crit(self): """The halo overdensity with respect to the critical density.""" return self.mdef.halo_overdensity_crit(self.z, self.cosmo) @cached_quantity def normalised_filter(self): """A normalised filter, such that filter.sigma(8) == sigma8""" return self.filter_model(self.k, self.power, **self.filter_params) @cached_quantity def m(self): """Halo masses (defined via ``mdef``).""" return 10 ** np.arange(self.Mmin, self.Mmax, self.dlog10m) @cached_quantity def _unn_sigma0(self): """Un-normalised mass variance at z=0.""" return self.filter.sigma(self.radii) @cached_quantity def _sigma_0(self): r"""The normalised mass variance at z=0 :math:`\sigma`.""" return self._normalisation * self._unn_sigma0 @cached_quantity def radii(self): """The radii corresponding to the masses `m`. Note that these are not the halo radii -- they are the radii containing mass m given a purely background density. """ return self.filter.mass_to_radius(self.m, self.mean_density0) @cached_quantity def _dlnsdlnm(self): r""" The value of :math:`\left|\frac{\d \ln \sigma}{\d \ln m}\right|`, ``len=len(m)`` Notes ----- .. math:: frac{d\ln\sigma}{d\ln m} = \frac{3}{2\sigma^2\pi^2R^4}\int_0^\infty \frac{dW^2(kR)}{dM}\frac{P(k)}{k^2}dk """ return 0.5 * self.filter.dlnss_dlnm(self.radii) @cached_quantity def sigma(self): """The sqrt of the mass variance at `z`, ``len=len(m)``.""" return self._sigma_0 * self.growth_factor @cached_quantity def nu(self): r""" The parameter :math:`\nu = \left(\frac{\delta_c}{\sigma}\right)^2`, ``len=len(m)`` """ return (self.delta_c / self.sigma) ** 2 @cached_quantity def mass_nonlinear(self): """The nonlinear mass, nu(Mstar) = 1.""" if > 1 or < 1: warnings.warn("Nonlinear mass outside mass range") if > 1: startr = np.log(self.radii.min()) else: startr = np.log(self.radii.max()) model = ( lambda lnr: ( self.filter.sigma(np.exp(lnr)) * self._normalisation * self.growth_factor - self.delta_c ) ** 2 ) res = minimize(model, [startr,]) if res.success: r = np.exp(res.x[0]) return self.filter.radius_to_mass(r, self.mean_density0) else: warnings.warn("Minimization failed :(") return 0 else: nu = spline(, self.m, k=5) return nu(1) @cached_quantity def lnsigma(self): """Natural log of inverse mass variance, ``len=len(m)``.""" return np.log(1 / self.sigma) @cached_quantity def n_eff(self): """ Effective spectral index at scale of halo radius, ``len=len(m)`` Notes ----- This function, and any derived quantities, can show small non-physical 'wiggles' at the 0.1% level, if too coarse a grid in ln(k) is used. If applications are sensitive at this level, please use a very fine k-space grid. Uses eq. 42 in Lukic et. al 2007. """ return -3.0 * (2.0 * self._dlnsdlnm + 1.0) @cached_quantity def fsigma(self): r""" The multiplicity function, :math:`f(\sigma)`, for `hmf_model`. ``len=len(m)`` """ return self.hmf.fsigma @cached_quantity def dndm(self): r""" The number density of haloes, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`h^4 M_\odot^{-1} Mpc^{-3}`] """ # if self.z2 is None: # #This is normally the case dndm = self.fsigma * self.mean_density0 * np.abs(self._dlnsdlnm) / self.m ** 2 if isinstance(self.hmf, ff.Behroozi): ngtm_tinker = self._gtm(dndm) dndm = self.hmf._modify_dndm(self.m, dndm, self.z, ngtm_tinker) # Alter the mass definition if ( self.hmf.measured_mass_definition is not None and self.hmf.measured_mass_definition != self.mdef and not self.disable_mass_conversion ): # this uses NFW, but we can change that in halomod. mnew = self.hmf.measured_mass_definition.change_definition( self.m, self.mdef )[0] spl = spline(np.log(mnew), np.log(dndm)) spl2 = spline(self.m, mnew) dndm = np.exp(spl(np.log(self.m))) / spl2.derivative()(self.m) # else: # #This is for a survey-volume weighted calculation # raise NotImplementedError() # if is None: # = 10 # zedges = np.linspace(self.z, self.z2, # zcentres = (zedges[:-1] + zedges[1:]) / 2 # dndm = np.zeros_like(zcentres) # vol = np.zeros_like(zedges) # vol[0] = cp.distance.comoving_volume(self.z, # **self.cosmolopy_dict) # for i, zz in enumerate(zcentres): # self.update(z=zz) # dndm[i] = self.fsigma * self.mean_dens * np.abs(self._dlnsdlnm) / self.m ** 2 # if isinstance(self.hmf_model, "ff.Behroozi"): # ngtm_tinker = self._gtm(dndm[i]) # dndm[i] = self.hmf_model._modify_dndm(self.m, dndm[i], self.z, ngtm_tinker) # # vol[i + 1] = cp.distance.comoving_volume(z=zedges[i + 1], # **self.cosmolopy_dict) # # vol = vol[1:] - vol[:-1] # Volume in shells # integrand = vol * dndm[i] # numerator = intg.simps(integrand, x=zcentres) # denom = intg.simps(vol, zcentres) # dndm = numerator / denom return dndm @cached_quantity def dndlnm(self): r""" The differential mass function in terms of natural log of `m`, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`h^3 Mpc^{-3}`] """ return self.m * self.dndm @cached_quantity def dndlog10m(self): r""" The differential mass function in terms of log of `m`, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`h^3 Mpc^{-3}`] """ return self.m * self.dndm * np.log(10) def _gtm(self, dndm, mass_density=False): """ Calculate number or mass density above mass thresholds in `m` This function is here, separate from the properties, due to its need of being passed ``dndm` in the case of the :class:`~fitting_functions.Behroozi` fit only, in which case an infinite recursion would occur otherwise. Parameters ---------- dndm : array_like, ``len(self.m)`` Should usually just be exactly :attr:`dndm`, except in Behroozi fit. mass_density : bool, ``False`` Whether to get the mass density, or number density. """ # Get required local variables size = len(dndm) m = self.m # If the highest mass is very low, we try calculating it to higher masses # The dlog10m is NOT CHANGED, so the input needs to be finely spaced. # If the top value of dndm is NaN, don't try calculating higher masses. if m[-1] < 10 ** 16.5 and not np.isnan(dndm[-1]) and not dndm[-1] == 0: # ff.Behroozi function won't work here. if not isinstance(self.hmf, ff.Behroozi): new_mf = copy.deepcopy(self) new_mf.update(Mmin=np.log10(self.m[-1]) + self.dlog10m, Mmax=18) dndm = np.concatenate((dndm, new_mf.dndm)) m = np.concatenate((m, new_mf.m)) ngtm = int_gtm(m[dndm > 0], dndm[dndm > 0], mass_density) # We need to set ngtm back in the original length vector with nans where # they were originally if len(ngtm) < len(m): # Will happen if some dndlnm are NaN ngtm_temp = np.zeros(len(dndm)) # ngtm_temp[:] = np.nan ngtm_temp[dndm > 0] = ngtm ngtm = ngtm_temp # Since ngtm may have been extended, we cut it back return ngtm[:size] @cached_quantity def ngtm(self): r""" The cumulative mass function above `m`, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`h^3 Mpc^{-3}`] In the case that `m` does not extend to sufficiently high masses, this routine will auto-generate ``dndm`` for an extended mass range. In the case of the ff.Behroozi fit, it is impossible to auto-extend the mass range except by the power-law fit, thus one should be careful to supply appropriate mass ranges in this case. """ return self._gtm(self.dndm) @cached_quantity def rho_gtm(self): r""" Mass density in haloes `>m`, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`M_\odot h^2 Mpc^{-3}`] In the case that `m` does not extend to sufficiently high masses, this routine will auto-generate ``dndm`` for an extended mass range. In the case of the ff.Behroozi fit, it is impossible to auto-extend the mass range except by the power-law fit, thus one should be careful to supply appropriate mass ranges in this case. """ return self._gtm(self.dndm, mass_density=True) @cached_quantity def rho_ltm(self): r""" Mass density in haloes `<m`, ``len=len(m)`` [units :math:`M_\odot h^2 Mpc^{-3}`] .. note :: As of v1.6.2, this assumes that the entire mass density of halos is encoded by the ``mean_density0`` parameter (ie. all mass is found in halos). This is not explicitly true of all fitting functions (eg. Warren), in which case the definition of this property is somewhat inconsistent, but will still work. In the case that `m` does not extend to sufficiently high masses, this routine will auto-generate ``dndm`` for an extended mass range. In the case of the ff.Behroozi fit, it is impossible to auto-extend the mass range except by the power-law fit, thus one should be careful to supply appropriate mass ranges in this case. """ return self.mean_density0 - self.rho_gtm @cached_quantity def how_big(self): r""" Size of simulation volume in which to expect one halo of mass m (with 95% probability), ` `len=len(m)`` [units :math:`Mpch^{-1}`] """ return (0.366362 / self.ngtm) ** (1.0 / 3.0)