Source code for hmf.mass_function.fitting_functions

A module defining several mass function fits.

Each fit is taken from the literature. If there are others out there that are not
listed here, please advise via GitHub.

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as _spline
import scipy.special as sp
from ..cosmology import cosmo as csm
from .._internals import _framework
from copy import copy
from ..halos import mass_definitions as md
import warnings

[docs]class SimDetails: """ A description of a suite of simulations used to define a mass function. The parameters given should describe the simulations used to *define* the mass function in the given study, not all simulations run in the study against which the fit was compared. Several parametes take either scalar or list values. These should be provided consistently, so that a single value refers to all simulations, and all lists are the same length. Parameters ---------- L : list of floats The boxsizes of the simulations [Mpc/h] N : list of ints The number of particles in the simulations halo_finder_type : str Either "FoF" or "SO" omegam : float or list of floats Matter density used. sigma_8 : float or list of floats Normalisation used. halo_overdensity : float Halo overdensity used (linking length in case of FoF definition) halo_finder : str, optional Name of halo finding code. softening : list of floats, optional Softening length [kpc/h] transfer : str or list of str, optional An identifier for the transfer function calculator used. z_start : float or list of floats, optional The starting redshift of the simulation z_meas : float or 2-tuple, optional Either the redshift of HMF measurement, or (min,max). ICS : str or list of str, optional How the ICS were generated, either "1LPT" or "2LPT" nmin : int, optional The minimum number of particles per halo for haloes used in the fit. hmf_analysis_notes : str, optional A description of any pertinent details about how the HMF was analysed in the study. other_cosmo : dict, optional Other cosmological parameters of interest. """
[docs] def __init__( self, L, N, halo_finder_type, omegam, sigma_8, halo_overdensity, halo_finder=None, softening=None, transfer=None, z_start=None, z_meas=None, ICS=None, nmin=None, hmf_analysis_notes="", other_cosmo={}, ): # Possible multi-sims self.L = np.atleast_1d(L) self.N = np.atleast_1d(N) self.omegam = np.atleast_1d(omegam) self.sigma_8 = np.atleast_1d(sigma_8) self.transfer = np.atleast_1d(transfer) self.z_start = np.atleast_1d(z_start) self.softening = np.atleast_1d(softening) self.ICS = np.atleast_1d(ICS) self.z_meas = z_meas self.halo_finder_type = halo_finder_type self.halo_overdensity = halo_overdensity self.halo_finder = halo_finder self.hmf_analysis_notes = hmf_analysis_notes self.nmin = nmin self.other_cosmo = other_cosmo # Derived self.V = self.L ** 3 try: = self.omegam * 2.7755e11 * self.V / self.N self.mmin = * self.nmin except TypeError: = None self.mmin = None
def _makedoc(pdocs, lname, sname, eq, ref): return ( r""" %s mass function fit. For details on attributes, see documentation for :class:`FittingFunction`. """ % lname + pdocs + r""" Notes ----- The %s [1]_ form is: .. math:: f_{\rm %s}(\sigma) = %s References ---------- .. [1] %s """ % (lname, sname, eq, ref) )
[docs]@_framework.pluggable class FittingFunction(_framework.Component): r""" Base-class for a halo mass function fit. This class should not be called directly, rather use a subclass which is specific to a certain fitting formula. The only method necessary to define for any subclass is `fsigma`, as well as a dictionary of default parameters as a class variable `_defaults`. Model parameters defined here are accessed through the :attr:`params` instance attribute (and may be overridden at instantiation by the user). A subclass may optionally define a :attr:`cutmask` property, to override the default behaviour of returning True for the whole range. In addition, several class attributes, `req_*`, identify the required arguments for a given subclass. These must be set accordingly. Examples -------- The following would be an example of defining the Sheth-Tormen mass function (which is already included), showing the basic idea of subclassing this class: >>> class SMT(FittingFunction): >>> # Subclass requirements >>> req_sigma = False >>> req_z = False >>> >>> # Default parameters >>> _defaults = {"a":0.707, "p":0.3, "A":0.3222} >>> >>> @property >>> def fsigma(self): >>> A = self.params['A'] >>> a = self.params["a"] >>> p = self.params['p'] >>> >>> return (A * np.sqrt(2.0 * a / np.pi) * * np.exp(-(a * self.nu2) / 2.0) >>> * (1 + (1.0 / (a * self.nu2)) ** p)) In that example, we did not specify :attr:`cutmask`. """ _pdocs = r""" Parameters ---------- nu2 : array_like A vector of peak-heights, :math:`\delta_c^2/\sigma^2` corresponding to `m` m : array_like, optional A vector of halo masses [units M_sun/h]. Only necessary if :attr:`req_mass` is True. Typically provides limits of applicability. Must correspond to `nu2`. z : float, optional The redshift. Only required if :attr:`req_z` is True, in which case the default is 0. n_eff : array_like, optional The effective spectral index at `m`. Only required if :attr:`req_neff` is True. mass_definition : :class:`hmf.halos.mass_definitions.MassDefinition` instance, optional A halo mass definition. Only required for fits which explicitly include a parameterization for halo definition. cosmo : :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW` instance, optional A cosmology. Default is Planck15. Either `omegam_z` or `cosmo` is required if :attr:`req_omz` is True. If both are passed, omegam_z takes precedence. \*\*model_parameters : unpacked-dictionary These parameters are model-specific. For any model, list the available parameters (and their defaults) using ``<model>._defaults`` """ __doc__ += _pdocs _defaults = {} # Subclass requirements req_neff = False "Whether `n_eff` is required for this subclass" req_mass = False "Whether `m` is required for this subclass" sim_definition = None "Details of the defining simulation, subclass of ``SimDetails``"
[docs] def __init__( self, nu2: np.ndarray, m: [None, np.ndarray] = None, z: float = 0.0, n_eff: [None, np.ndarray] = None, mass_definition: [None, md.MassDefinition] = None, cosmo: [csm.FLRW] = csm.Planck15, delta_c: float = 1.686, **model_parameters ): super(FittingFunction, self).__init__(**model_parameters) self.nu2 = nu2 self.z = z self.n_eff = n_eff self.mass_definition = mass_definition self.m = m self.delta_c = delta_c self.cosmo = cosmo # Simple Argument validation if self.req_mass and m is None: raise ValueError("This fitting function requires m as well as nu") if self.req_neff and n_eff is None: raise ValueError("This fitting function requires n_eff") self.measured_mass_definition = self.get_measured_mdef() # Set default mass definition. if self.mass_definition is None and self.measured_mass_definition is not None: self.mass_definition = self.measured_mass_definition
[docs] @classmethod def get_measured_mdef(cls): # Try to set the measured mass definition measured = None if cls.sim_definition is not None: kind = cls.sim_definition.halo_finder_type delta_h = cls.sim_definition.halo_overdensity if kind.lower() == "fof": measured = md.FOF(linking_length=float(delta_h)) elif kind.upper() == "SO": if delta_h == "vir": measured = md.SOVirial() elif delta_h.endswith("c"): measured = md.SOCritical(overdensity=float(delta_h[:-1]),) elif delta_h.endswith("m"): measured = md.SOMean(overdensity=float(delta_h[:-1])) elif delta_h.startswith("*"): # A Generic SO that will accept any SO definition, but has a preferred one. measured = md.SOGeneric( preferred=md.from_colossus_name( delta_h.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0] ) ) else: warnings.warn( "Unrecognized overdensity criterion format. " "Changing mass definitions will be impossible." ) else: warnings.warn( "Unknown halo finder type in the sim_definition. " "Changing mass definitions will be impossible." ) return measured
@property def omegam_z(self): """Normalised matter density at current redshift.""" return self.cosmo.Om(self.z) @property def nu(self): """The peak height, sigma/delta_c.""" return np.sqrt(self.nu2) @property def sigma(self): """The sqrt of mass variance as a function of mass.""" return self.delta_c / @property def lnsigma(self): """Negative log of sigma.""" return -np.log(self.sigma) @property def cutmask(self): r""" A logical mask array specifying which elements of :attr:`fsigma` are within the fitted range. """ return np.ones(len(self.nu2), dtype=bool) @property def fsigma(self): r"""The function :math:`f(\sigma)\equiv\nu f(\nu)`.""" pass
[docs]class PS(FittingFunction): # Subclass requirements req_sigma = False req_z = False _eq = r"\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\nu\exp(-0.5\nu^2)" _ref = r"""Press, W. H., Schechter, P., 1974. ApJ 187, 425-438.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Press-Schechter", "PS", _eq, _ref) @property def fsigma(self): return np.sqrt(2.0 / np.pi) * * np.exp(-0.5 * self.nu2)
[docs]class SMT(FittingFunction): # Subclass requirements req_sigma = False req_z = False _eq = r"A\sqrt{2a/\pi}\nu\exp(-a\nu^2/2)(1+(a\nu^2)^{-p})" _ref = r"""Sheth, R. K., Mo, H. J., Tormen, G., May 2001. MNRAS 323 (1), 1-12.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Sheth-Mo-Tormen", "SMT", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"a": 0.707, "p": 0.3, "A": 0.3222} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[84.5, 141.3], N=[256 ** 3, 256 ** 3], halo_finder_type="SO", omegam=0.3, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity="vir", halo_finder=None, softening=30.0, transfer="BondEfs", z_start=30.0, z_meas=0.0, ICS=None, nmin=None, hmf_analysis_notes="No details are given about measurement of HMF. ", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.7, "h": 0.7, "n": 1}, ) @property def fsigma(self): A = self.norm() a = self.params["a"] p = self.params["p"] return ( A * np.sqrt(2.0 * a / np.pi) * * np.exp(-(a * self.nu2) / 2.0) * (1 + (1.0 / (a * self.nu2)) ** p) )
[docs] def norm(self): if self.params["A"] is not None: return self.params["A"] else: p = self.params["p"] return 1.0 / (1 + 2 ** -p * sp.gamma(0.5 - p) / sp.gamma(0.5))
[docs]class ST(SMT): """ Alias of :class:`SMT` """ pass
[docs]class Jenkins(FittingFunction): # Subclass requirements req_z = False _eq = r"A\exp\left(-\left|\ln\sigma^{-1}+b\right|^c\right)" _ref = r"""Jenkins, A. R., et al., Feb. 2001. MNRAS 321 (2), 372-384.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Jenkins", "Jenkins", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.315, "b": 0.61, "c": 3.8} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[84.5, 141.3, 479, 3000], N=[256 ** 3, 256 ** 3, 134217728, 1000 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.3, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=30.0, transfer="BondEfs", z_start=30.0, z_meas=(0.0, 5.0), ICS=None, nmin=20, hmf_analysis_notes=""" Many cosmologies used. Preferentially listed LCDM here. Fit involves "smoothing" and deconvolving HMF.""", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.7, "h": 0.7, "n": 1}, ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -1.2, self.lnsigma < 1.05) @property def fsigma(self): A = self.params["A"] b = self.params["b"] c = self.params["c"] return A * np.exp(-np.abs(self.lnsigma + b) ** c)
[docs]class Warren(FittingFunction): # Subclass requirements req_z = False req_mass = True _eq = r"A\left[\left(\frac{e}{\sigma}\right)^b + c\right]\exp\left(\frac{d}{\sigma^2}\right)" _ref = r"""Warren, M. S., et al., Aug. 2006. ApJ 646 (2), 881-885.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Warren", "Warren", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.7234, "b": 1.625, "c": 0.2538, "d": 1.1982, "e": 1} uncertainties = {"A": 0.0073, "a": 0.028, "b": 0.0051, "c": 0.0075} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[96, 135, 192, 272, 384, 543, 768, 1086, 1536, 2172, 2583, 3072], N=1024 ** 3, halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.3, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[ 2.1, 134.0 / 31.0, 192 / 31.0, 272 / 31.0, 384 / 31.0, 543 / 31.0, 768 / 31.0, 1086 / 31.0, 1536 / 31.0, 2172 / 31.0, 2583 / 31.0, 98, ], transfer="CMBFAST", z_start=None, z_meas=(0.0, 5.0), ICS="1LPT", nmin=400, hmf_analysis_notes="FOF N-Correction applied. Fit uses ML of Poisson counts.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.7, "omegab": 0.04, "h": 0.7, "n": 1}, ) @property def fsigma(self): A = self.params["A"] b = self.params["b"] c = self.params["c"] d = self.params["d"] e = self.params["e"] return A * ((e / self.sigma) ** b + c) * np.exp(-d / self.sigma ** 2) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m > 1e10, self.m < 1e15)
[docs]class Reed03(SMT): # Subclass requirements req_sigma = True _eq = r"f_{\rm SMT}(\sigma)\exp\left(-\frac{c}{\sigma \cosh^5(2\sigma)}\right)" _ref = r"""Reed, D., et al., Dec. 2003. MNRAS 346 (2), 565-572.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Reed03", "R03", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"a": 0.707, "p": 0.3, "A": 0.3222, "c": 0.7} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=50.0, N=432 ** 3, halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.3, sigma_8=1.0, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=5.0, transfer="BBKS", z_start=[69, 139], z_meas=(0.0, 15.0), ICS="1LPT", nmin=64, hmf_analysis_notes="HMF seems to be purely binned.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.7, "omegab": 0.04, "h": None, "n": None}, ) @property def fsigma(self): vfv = super(Reed03, self).fsigma return vfv * np.exp( -self.params["c"] / (self.sigma * np.cosh(2.0 * self.sigma) ** 5) ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -1.7, self.lnsigma < 0.9)
[docs]class Reed07(FittingFunction): req_neff = True req_z = False _eq = r"A\sqrt{2a/\pi}\left[1+(\frac{1}{a\nu^2})^p+0.6G_1+0.4G_2\right]\nu\exp\left(-ca\nu^2/2-\frac{0.03\nu^{0.6}}{(n_{\rm eff}+3)^2}\right)" _ref = """Reed, D. S., et al., Jan. 2007. MNRAS 374 (1), 2-15.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Reed07", "R07", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.3222, "p": 0.3, "c": 1.08, "a": 0.764} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[1.0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 4.64, 11.6, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1340, 3000], N=[ 400 ** 3, 1000 ** 3, 1000 ** 3, 500 ** 3, 200 ** 3, 400 ** 3, 1000 ** 3, 400 ** 3, 1000 ** 3, 900 ** 3, 2160 ** 3, 1448 ** 3, 1000 ** 3, ], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.3, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[ 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.625, 0.58, 0.58, 2.5, 2.4, 2.4, 5.0, 20, 100, ], transfer="CMBFAST", z_start=[299, 299, 299, 299, 299, 249, 249, 249, 299, 149, 127, 63, 35], z_meas=[10, 10, 30, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0], ICS="1LPT", nmin=100, hmf_analysis_notes="Finite volume corrections applied.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.7, "omegab": None, "h": 0.7, "n": 1.0}, ) @property def fsigma(self): G_1 = np.exp(-((self.lnsigma - 0.4) ** 2) / (2 * 0.6 ** 2)) G_2 = np.exp(-((self.lnsigma - 0.75) ** 2) / (2 * 0.2 ** 2)) c = self.params["c"] a = self.params["a"] / self.params["c"] A = self.params["A"] p = self.params["p"] return ( A * np.sqrt(2.0 * a / np.pi) * (1.0 + (1.0 / (a * ** 2)) ** p + 0.6 * G_1 + 0.4 * G_2) * * np.exp( -c * a * ** 2 / 2.0 - 0.03 * ** 0.6 / (self.n_eff + 3) ** 2 ) ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -0.5, self.lnsigma < 1.2)
[docs]class Peacock(FittingFunction): req_z = False req_mass = True _eq = r"\nu\exp(-c\nu^2)(2cd\nu+ba\nu^{b-1})/d^2" _ref = """Peacock, J. A., Aug. 2007. MNRAS 379 (3), 1067-1074.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Peacock", "Pck", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"a": 1.529, "b": 0.704, "c": 0.412} sim_definition = copy(Warren.sim_definition) sim_definition.hmf_analysis_notes = "Fit directly to Warren+2006 fit." @property def fsigma(self): a = self.params["a"] b = self.params["b"] c = self.params["c"] d = 1 + a * ** b return ( * np.exp(-c * self.nu2) * (2 * c * d * + b * a * ** (b - 1)) / d ** 2 ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m < 1e10, self.m > 1e15)
[docs]class Angulo(FittingFunction): req_mass = True _ref = """Angulo, R. E., et al., 2012. arXiv:1203.3216v1""" _eq = r"$A \left[\left(\frac{d}{\sigma}\right)^b + 1 \right] \exp(-c/\sigma^2)$" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Angulo", "Ang", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.201, "b": 1.7, "c": 1.172, "d": 2.08} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=3000.0, N=6720 ** 3, halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.25, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=13.79, transfer="CAMB", z_start=63, z_meas=0, ICS="2LPT", nmin=20, hmf_analysis_notes="No corrections seem to be applied; no special techniques.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.75, "omegab": 0.045, "h": 0.73, "n": 1.0}, ) @property def fsigma(self): A = self.params["A"] b = self.params["b"] c = self.params["c"] d = self.params["d"] return A * ((d / self.sigma) ** b + 1) * np.exp(-c / self.sigma ** 2) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m > 1e8, self.m < 1e16)
[docs]class AnguloBound(Angulo): __doc__ = Angulo.__doc__ _defaults = {"A": 0.265, "b": 1.9, "c": 1.4, "d": 1.675}
[docs]class Watson_FoF(Warren): req_mass = False _ref = """Watson, W. A., et al., MNRAS, 2013. """ __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Watson FoF", "WatF", Warren._eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.282, "b": 2.163, "c": 1, "d": 1.21, "e": 1.406} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[11.4, 20, 114, 425, 1000, 3200, 6000], N=[3072 ** 3, 5488 ** 3, 3072 ** 3, 5488 ** 3, 3456 ** 3, 4000 ** 3, 6000 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.27, sigma_8=0.8, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder="GADGET3", softening=[0.18, 0.18, 1.86, 3.87, 14.47, 40.0, 50.0], transfer="CAMB", z_start=[300, 300, 300, 300, 150, 120, 100], z_meas=(0, 30), ICS="1LPT", nmin=1000, hmf_analysis_notes="Warren FOF correction applied. Finite-box correction applied.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.73, "omegab": 0.044, "h": 0.7, "n": 0.96}, ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -0.55, self.lnsigma < 1.31)
[docs]class Watson(FittingFunction): req_cosmo = True req_dhalo = True req_omz = True _ref = """Watson, W. A., et al., MNRAS, 2013. """ _eq = r"\Gamma A \left((\frac{\beta}{\sigma}^\alpha+1\right)\exp(-\gamma/\sigma^2)" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Watson", "WatS", _eq, Watson_FoF._ref) sim_definition = copy(Watson_FoF.sim_definition) sim_definition.halo_finder_type = "SO" sim_definition.halo_finder = "AHF" sim_definition.halo_overdensity = "*(vir)" _defaults = { "C_a": 0.023, "d_a": 0.456, "d_b": 0.139, "p": 0.072, "q": 2.13, "A_0": 0.194, "alpha_0": 1.805, "beta_0": 2.267, "gamma_0": 1.287, "z_hi": 6, "A_hi": 0.563, "alpha_hi": 0.874, "beta_hi": 3.810, "gamma_hi": 1.453, "A_a": 1.097, "A_b": 3.216, "A_c": 0.074, "alpha_a": 3.136, "alpha_b": 3.058, "alpha_c": 2.349, "beta_a": 5.907, "beta_b": 3.599, "beta_c": 2.344, "gamma_z": 1.318, }
[docs] def gamma(self): r"""Calculate :math:`\Gamma` for the Watson fit.""" if self.mass_definition is not None: if not isinstance(self.mass_definition, md.SphericalOverdensity): raise ValueError( "The Watson fitting function is a spherical-overdensity function." ) else: delta_halo = self.mass_definition.halo_overdensity_mean( self.z, self.cosmo ) else: delta_halo = 178.0 C = np.exp(self.params["C_a"] * (delta_halo / 178 - 1)) d = -self.params["d_a"] * self.omegam_z - self.params["d_b"] p = self.params["p"] q = self.params["q"] return ( C * (delta_halo / 178) ** d * np.exp(p * (1 - delta_halo / 178) / self.sigma ** q) )
@property def fsigma(self): if self.z == 0: A = self.params["A_0"] alpha = self.params["alpha_0"] beta = self.params["beta_0"] gamma = self.params["gamma_0"] elif self.z >= self.params["z_hi"]: A = self.params["A_hi"] alpha = self.params["alpha_hi"] beta = self.params["beta_hi"] gamma = self.params["gamma_hi"] else: omz = self.omegam_z A = omz * ( self.params["A_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["A_b"]) + self.params["A_c"] ) alpha = omz * ( self.params["alpha_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["alpha_b"]) + self.params["alpha_c"] ) beta = omz * ( self.params["beta_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["beta_b"]) + self.params["beta_c"] ) gamma = self.params["gamma_z"] return ( self.gamma() * A * ((beta / self.sigma) ** alpha + 1) * np.exp(-gamma / self.sigma ** 2) ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -0.55, self.lnsigma < 1.05)
[docs]class Crocce(Warren): req_z = True _ref = """Crocce, M., et al. MNRAS 403 (3), 1353-1367.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Crocce", "Cro", Warren._eq, _ref) _defaults = { "A_a": 0.58, "A_b": 0.13, "b_a": 1.37, "b_b": 0.15, "c_a": 0.3, "c_b": 0.084, "d_a": 1.036, "d_b": 0.024, "e": 1, } sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[7680, 3072, 4500, 768, 384, 179], N=[2048 ** 3, 2048 ** 3, 1200 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.25, sigma_8=0.8, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[50, 50, 100, 50, 50, 50], transfer="CAMB", z_start=[150, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50], z_meas=(0, 1), ICS=["1LPT", "1LPT", "2LPT", "2LPT", "2LPT", "2LPT"], nmin=200, hmf_analysis_notes="Warren FOF correction applied.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.75, "omegab": 0.044, "h": 0.7, "n": 0.95}, )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Crocce, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.params["A"] = self.params["A_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["A_b"]) self.params["b"] = self.params["b_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["b_b"]) self.params["c"] = self.params["c_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["c_b"]) self.params["d"] = self.params["d_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["d_b"])
@property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m > 10 ** 10.5, self.m < 10 ** 15.5)
[docs]class Courtin(SMT): req_sigma = True _ref = """Courtin, J., et al., Oct. 2010. MNRAS 1931.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Courtin", "Ctn", SMT._eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.348, "a": 0.695, "p": 0.1} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[162, 648, 1296], N=[512 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 512 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.26, sigma_8=0.79, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[2.47, 19.78, 39.55], transfer="CAMB", z_start=[93, 56, 41], z_meas=0, ICS="1LPT", nmin=200, hmf_analysis_notes="Many systematic effects tested but not applied.", other_cosmo={"omegav": 0.74, "omegab": 0.044, "h": 0.72, "n": 0.963}, ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.lnsigma > -0.8, self.lnsigma < 0.7)
[docs]class Bhattacharya(SMT): req_z = True req_mass = True _eq = r"f_{\rm SMT}(\sigma) (\nu\sqrt{a})^{q-1}" _ref = """Bhattacharya, S., et al., May 2011. ApJ 732 (2), 122.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Bhattacharya", "Btc", _eq, _ref) _defaults = { "A_a": 0.333, "A_b": 0.11, "a_a": 0.788, "a_b": 0.01, "p": 0.807, "q": 1.795, } sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[1000 * 0.72, 1736 * 0.72, 2778 * 0.72, 178 * 0.72, 1300 * 0.72], N=[1500 ** 3, 1200 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 1024 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=None, # what is lower case omega?? sigma_8=0.8, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[24, 51, 97, 14, 50], transfer="CAMB", z_start=[75, 100, 100, 211, 211], z_meas=(0, 2), ICS=["2LPT", "2LPT", "2LPT", "1LPT", "1LPT"], nmin=400, hmf_analysis_notes="Finite force correction. FOF Correction. Finite volume correction.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": 0.74, "omegab": None, # uses lower case omega without definition "h": 0.72, "n": 0.97, }, )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Bhattacharya, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.params["A"] = self.params["A_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** -self.params["A_b"] self.params["a"] = self.params["a_a"] * (1 + self.z) ** -self.params["a_b"]
@property def fsigma(self): r""" Calculate :math:`f(\sigma)` for Bhattacharya form. Bhattacharya, S., et al., May 2011. ApJ 732 (2), 122. .. note:: valid for :math:`10^{11.8}M_\odot < M <10^{15.5}M_\odot` Returns ------- vfv : array_like, len=len(pert.M) The function :math:`f(\sigma)\equiv\nu f(\nu)`. """ vfv = super(Bhattacharya, self).fsigma return vfv * (np.sqrt(self.params["a"]) * ** (self.params["q"] - 1) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m > 6 * 10 ** 11, self.m < 3 * 10 ** 15)
[docs]class Tinker08(FittingFunction): req_z = True req_dhalo = True _eq = r"A\left(\frac{\sigma}{b}^{-a}+1\right)\exp(-c/\sigma^2)" _ref = r"""Tinker, J., et al., 2008. ApJ 688, 709-728.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Tinker08", "Tkr", _eq, _ref) sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[ 768, 384, 271, 192, 96, 1280, 500, 250, 120, 80, 1000, 500, 500, 500, 384, 384, 120, 80, ], N=[ 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 640 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 512 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 512 ** 3, ], halo_finder_type="SO", omegam=[ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.27, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.27, 0.24, 0.24, 0.24, 0.26, 0.2, 0.27, 0.23, ], sigma_8=[ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.79, 0.75, 0.75, 0.8, 0.75, 0.9, 0.79, 0.75, ], halo_overdensity="*(200m)", halo_finder=None, softening=[ 25, 14, 10, 4.9, 1.4, 120, 15, 7.6, 1.8, 1.2, 30, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 0.9, 1.2, ], transfer=None, z_start=[ 40, 48, 51, 54, 65, 49, 40, 49, 49, 49, 60, 40, 40, 40, 35, 42, 100, 49, ], z_meas=(0, 2.5), ICS="1LPT", nmin=None, hmf_analysis_notes="No corrections applied.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": [ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.73, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.73, 0.76, 0.76, 0.76, 0.74, 0.8, 0.73, 0.77, ], "omegab": [ 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.045, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.044, 0.042, 0.042, 0.042, 0.042, 0.044, 0.04, 0.044, 0.04, ], "h": [ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.73, 0.73, 0.73, 0.71, 0.7, 0.7, 0.73, ], "n": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.94, 1, 0.95, 0.95, ], }, ) _defaults = { # -- A "A_200": 1.858659e-01, "A_300": 1.995973e-01, "A_400": 2.115659e-01, "A_600": 2.184113e-01, "A_800": 2.480968e-01, "A_1200": 2.546053e-01, "A_1600": 2.600000e-01, "A_2400": 2.600000e-01, "A_3200": 2.600000e-01, # -- a "a_200": 1.466904, "a_300": 1.521782, "a_400": 1.559186, "a_600": 1.614585, "a_800": 1.869936, "a_1200": 2.128056, "a_1600": 2.301275, "a_2400": 2.529241, "a_3200": 2.661983, # --- b "b_200": 2.571104, "b_300": 2.254217, "b_400": 2.048674, "b_600": 1.869559, "b_800": 1.588649, "b_1200": 1.507134, "b_1600": 1.464374, "b_2400": 1.436827, "b_3200": 1.405210, # --- c "c_200": 1.193958, "c_300": 1.270316, "c_400": 1.335191, "c_600": 1.446266, "c_800": 1.581345, "c_1200": 1.795050, "c_1600": 1.965613, "c_2400": 2.237466, "c_3200": 2.439729, # -- others "A_exp": 0.14, "a_exp": 0.06, } delta_virs = np.array([200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, 3200])
[docs] def __init__(self, **model_parameters): super(Tinker08, self).__init__(**model_parameters) if not isinstance(self.mass_definition, md.SphericalOverdensity): raise ValueError( "The Tinker fitting function is a spherical-overdensity function." ) else: delta_halo = self.mass_definition.halo_overdensity_mean(self.z, self.cosmo) if delta_halo not in self.delta_virs: A_array = np.array([self.params["A_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) a_array = np.array([self.params["a_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) b_array = np.array([self.params["b_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) c_array = np.array([self.params["c_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) A_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, A_array) a_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, a_array) b_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, b_array) c_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, c_array) A_0 = A_func(delta_halo) a_0 = a_func(delta_halo) b_0 = b_func(delta_halo) c_0 = c_func(delta_halo) else: A_0 = self.params["A_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] a_0 = self.params["a_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] b_0 = self.params["b_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] c_0 = self.params["c_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] self.A = A_0 * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["A_exp"]) self.a = a_0 * (1 + self.z) ** (-self.params["a_exp"]) alpha = 10 ** (-((0.75 / np.log10(delta_halo / 75.0)) ** 1.2)) self.b = b_0 * (1 + self.z) ** (-alpha) self.c = c_0
@property def fsigma(self): return ( self.A * ((self.sigma / self.b) ** (-self.a) + 1) * np.exp(-self.c / self.sigma ** 2) ) @property def cutmask(self): if self.z == 0.0: return np.logical_and( self.lnsigma / np.log(10) > -0.6, self.lnsigma / np.log(10) < 0.4 ) else: return np.logical_and( self.lnsigma / np.log(10) > -0.2, self.lnsigma / np.log(10) < 0.4 )
[docs]class Tinker10(FittingFunction): req_z = True req_dhalo = True _eq = r"(1+(\beta\nu)^{-2\phi})\nu^{2\eta+1}\exp(-\gamma\nu^2/2)" _ref = """Tinker, J., et al., 2010. ApJ 724, 878.""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Tinker10", "Tkr", _eq, _ref) sim_definition = copy(Tinker08.sim_definition) _defaults = { # --- alpha "alpha_200": 0.368, "alpha_300": 0.363, "alpha_400": 0.385, "alpha_600": 0.389, "alpha_800": 0.393, "alpha_1200": 0.365, "alpha_1600": 0.379, "alpha_2400": 0.355, "alpha_3200": 0.327, # --- beta "beta_200": 0.589, "beta_300": 0.585, "beta_400": 0.544, "beta_600": 0.543, "beta_800": 0.564, "beta_1200": 0.623, "beta_1600": 0.637, "beta_2400": 0.673, "beta_3200": 0.702, # --- gamma "gamma_200": 0.864, "gamma_300": 0.922, "gamma_400": 0.987, "gamma_600": 1.09, "gamma_800": 1.2, "gamma_1200": 1.34, "gamma_1600": 1.5, "gamma_2400": 1.68, "gamma_3200": 1.81, # --- phi "phi_200": -0.729, "phi_300": -0.789, "phi_400": -0.910, "phi_600": -1.05, "phi_800": -1.2, "phi_1200": -1.26, "phi_1600": -1.45, "phi_2400": -1.5, "phi_3200": -1.49, # -- eta "eta_200": -0.243, "eta_300": -0.261, "eta_400": -0.261, "eta_600": -0.273, "eta_800": -0.278, "eta_1200": -0.301, "eta_1600": -0.301, "eta_2400": -0.319, "eta_3200": -0.336, # --others "beta_exp": 0.2, "phi_exp": -0.08, "eta_exp": 0.27, "gamma_exp": -0.01, "max_z": 3, } delta_virs = np.array([200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, 3200]) terminate = True
[docs] def __init__(self, **model_parameters): super().__init__(**model_parameters) if self.mass_definition is not None: if not isinstance(self.mass_definition, md.SphericalOverdensity): raise ValueError( "The Tinker10 fitting function is a spherical-overdensity function." ) else: delta_halo = self.mass_definition.halo_overdensity_mean( self.z, self.cosmo ) else: delta_halo = 200 self.delta_halo = delta_halo if int(delta_halo) not in self.delta_virs: beta_array = np.array([self.params["beta_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) gamma_array = np.array( [self.params["gamma_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs] ) phi_array = np.array([self.params["phi_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) eta_array = np.array([self.params["eta_%s" % d] for d in self.delta_virs]) beta_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, beta_array) gamma_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, gamma_array) phi_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, phi_array) eta_func = _spline(self.delta_virs, eta_array) beta_0 = beta_func(delta_halo) gamma_0 = gamma_func(delta_halo) phi_0 = phi_func(delta_halo) eta_0 = eta_func(delta_halo) else: beta_0 = self.params["beta_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] gamma_0 = self.params["gamma_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] phi_0 = self.params["phi_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] eta_0 = self.params["eta_%s" % (int(delta_halo))] self.beta = ( beta_0 * (1 + min(self.z, self.params["max_z"])) ** self.params["beta_exp"] ) self.phi = ( phi_0 * (1 + min(self.z, self.params["max_z"])) ** self.params["phi_exp"] ) self.eta = ( eta_0 * (1 + min(self.z, self.params["max_z"])) ** self.params["eta_exp"] ) self.gamma = ( gamma_0 * (1 + min(self.z, self.params["max_z"])) ** self.params["gamma_exp"] ) # # The normalisation only works with specific conditions # gamma > 0 if self.gamma <= 0: if self.terminate: raise ValueError("gamma must be > 0, got " + str(self.gamma)) else: self.gamma = 1e-3 # eta >-0.5 if self.eta <= -0.5: if self.terminate: raise ValueError("eta must be > -0.5, got " + str(self.eta)) else: self.eta = -0.499 # eta-phi >-0.5 if self.eta - self.phi <= -0.5: if self.terminate: raise ValueError( "eta-phi must be >-0.5, got " + str(self.eta - self.phi) ) else: self.phi = self.eta + 0.499 if self.beta <= 0: if self.terminate: raise ValueError("beta must be > 0, got " + str(self.beta)) else: self.beta = 1e-3
@property def normalise(self): if int(self.delta_halo) in self.delta_virs and self.z == 0: return self.params["alpha_%s" % (int(self.delta_halo))] else: return 1 / ( 2 ** (self.eta - self.phi - 0.5) * self.beta ** (-2 * self.phi) * self.gamma ** (-0.5 - self.eta) * ( 2 ** self.phi * self.beta ** (2 * self.phi) * sp.gamma(self.eta + 0.5) + self.gamma ** self.phi * sp.gamma(0.5 + self.eta - self.phi) ) ) @property def fsigma(self): fv = ( (1 + (self.beta * ** (-2 * self.phi)) * ** (2 * self.eta) * np.exp(-self.gamma * ( ** 2) / 2) ) return fv * self.normalise * @property def cutmask(self): if self.z == 0.0: return np.logical_and( self.lnsigma / np.log(10) > -0.6, self.lnsigma / np.log(10) < 0.4 ) else: return np.logical_and( self.lnsigma / np.log(10) > -0.2, self.lnsigma / np.log(10) < 0.4 )
[docs]class Behroozi(Tinker10): _ref = r"""Behroozi, P., Weschler, R. and Conroy, C., ApJ, 2013,""" __doc__ = r""" Behroozi mass function fit [1]_. This is an empirical modification to the :class:`Tinker08` fit, to improve accuracy at high redshift. %s References ---------- .. [1] %s """ % ( FittingFunction._pdocs, _ref, ) sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[250, 1000, 420], N=[2048 ** 3, 2048 ** 3, 1400 ** 3], halo_finder_type="SO", omegam=0.27, sigma_8=0.82, halo_overdensity="vir", halo_finder="Rockstar", softening=[1, 7, 8], transfer="CAMB", z_start=None, z_meas=(0, 8), ICS=["1LPT", "1LPT", "2LPT"], nmin=None, hmf_analysis_notes="No corrections applied.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": 0.73, "omegab": None, # uses lower case omega without definition "h": 0.7, "n": 0.95, }, ) def _modify_dndm(self, m, dndm, z, ngtm_tinker): a = 1 / (1 + z) theta = ( 0.144 / (1 + np.exp(14.79 * (a - 0.213))) * (m / 10 ** 11.5) ** (0.5 / (1 + np.exp(6.5 * a))) ) ngtm_behroozi = 10 ** (theta + np.log10(ngtm_tinker)) dthetadM = ( 0.144 / (1 + np.exp(14.79 * (a - 0.213))) * (0.5 / (1 + np.exp(6.5 * a))) * (m / 10 ** 11.5) ** (0.5 / (1 + np.exp(6.5 * a)) - 1) / (10 ** 11.5) ) # if ngtm_tinker is very small (ie. 0), dthetadM will be nan. res = dndm * 10 ** theta - ngtm_behroozi * np.log(10) * dthetadM res[np.isnan(res)] = 0 return res
[docs]class Pillepich(Warren): _ref = r"""Pillepich, A., et al., 2010, arxiv:0811.4176""" __doc__ = _makedoc( FittingFunction._pdocs, "Pillepich", "Pillepich", Warren._eq, _ref ) _defaults = {"A": 0.6853, "b": 1.868, "c": 0.3324, "d": 1.2266, "e": 1} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[1200, 1200, 150], N=[1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3, 1024 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=[0.279, 0.24, 0.279], sigma_8=[0.817, 0.76, 0.817], halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[20, 20, 3], transfer="LINGER", z_start=[50, 50, 70], z_meas=0, ICS="1LPT", nmin=100, hmf_analysis_notes="No corrections applied.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": [0.721, 0.76, 0.721], "omegab": [0.0462, 0.042, 0.0462], ## uses lower case omega without definition "h": [0.701, 0.73, 0.701], "n": [0.96, 0.95, 0.96], }, )
[docs]class Manera(SMT): _ref = r"""Manera, M., et al., 2010, arxiv:0906.1314""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Manera", "Man", SMT._eq, _ref) # These are for z=0, new ML method, l_linnk = 0.2 _defaults = {"A": None, "a": 0.709, "p": 0.289} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=1280.0, N=640 ** 3, halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.27, sigma_8=0.9, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=20, transfer="CMBFAST", z_start=50, z_meas=(0, 0.5), ICS="2LPT", nmin=105, hmf_analysis_notes="FOF Correction applied.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": 0.73, "omegab": 0.046, # uses lower case omega without definition "h": 0.72, "n": 1.0, }, )
[docs]class Ishiyama(Warren): _eq = r"A\left[\left(\frac{e}{\sigma}\right)^b + 1\right]\exp(\frac{d}{\sigma^2})" _ref = r"""Ishiyama, T., et al., 2015, arxiv:1412.2860""" __doc__ = _makedoc(FittingFunction._pdocs, "Ishiyama", "Ishiyama", _eq, _ref) _defaults = {"A": 0.193, "b": 1.550, "c": 1, "d": 1.186, "e": 2.184} sim_definition = SimDetails( L=[1120, 560, 280, 140, 70], N=[8192 ** 3, 4096 ** 3, 2048 ** 3, 2048 ** 3, 2048 ** 3], halo_finder_type="FoF", omegam=0.31, sigma_8=0.83, halo_overdensity=0.2, halo_finder=None, softening=[4.27, 4.27, 4.27, 2.14, 1.07], transfer="CAMB", z_start=None, z_meas=0, ICS=None, nmin=40, hmf_analysis_notes="No corrections applied.", other_cosmo={ "omegav": 0.69, "omegab": 0.048, # uses lower case omega without definition "h": 0.68, "n": 0.96, }, ) @property def cutmask(self): return np.logical_and(self.m > 1e8, self.m < 1e16)